What To Do With Coffee Grounds: 8 Simple, Creative Uses
Roasty Buds

What To Do With Coffee Grounds: 8 Simple, Creative Uses

While coffee is mostly known for its energizing properties, there are many other benefits and uses to the beverage. In particular, the leftover coffee grounds can be used in a variety of ways. Here are eight creative uses for those mounds of coffee grounds in your kitchen:

  1. Natural fertilizer: Coffee grounds contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium which are all essential nutrients for plants. By adding used coffee grounds to your garden, you are not only reducing waste but also helping your plants grow. You can also mix the grounds with soil to create a nutrient-rich potting mixture.
  2. Skin exfoliator: Coffee grounds can be used as a natural exfoliator for your skin. The rough texture of the grounds helps remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin feeling smooth and refreshed. Simply mix the coffee grounds with a carrier oil, like coconut or olive oil, and apply to your skin in circular motions. Rinse off with warm water for soft and glowing skin.
  3. Odor neutralizer: Coffee grounds can also be used to neutralize unpleasant odors. Place a bowl of dried coffee grounds in your fridge, freezer, or pantry to absorb any unwanted smells. You can also use them to deodorize your shoes or even your car.
  4. Pest repellent: Coffee grounds can help repel pests like ants, slugs, and snails. Sprinkle used coffee grounds around the base of your plants to create a barrier that pests will avoid. You can also mix the grounds with water to create a spray that can be used on your plants to deter pests.
  5. Furniture scratch repair: Coffee grounds can be used to repair scratches on wooden furniture. Mix coffee grounds with water to create a paste, then apply it to the scratches on your furniture. Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes, then buff the area with a soft cloth. The natural color of the coffee grounds will help blend the scratch with the rest of the wood.
  6. Hair treatment: Coffee grounds can be used as a hair treatment to add shine and volume. Mix the grounds with your favorite shampoo and apply to your hair, massaging your scalp in circular motions. Rinse off with warm water and enjoy the added shine and volume.
  7. Dyeing fabric: Coffee grounds can be used to dye fabric a natural brown color. Boil the used coffee grounds in water for about an hour, then strain the liquid. Soak your fabric in the liquid for a few hours, then rinse off with warm water. The result will be a natural, earthy brown hue.
  8. Homemade candles: Coffee grounds can be used to create homemade candles. Mix the grounds with melted wax, then pour the mixture into a container with a wick. Allow the wax to cool and harden, then enjoy your unique coffee-scented candle.